On Your Feet! @ Marquis Theatre
A2 Wireless Audio Engineer
Directed by Jerry Mitchell
Sound Designed by Steve Canyon Kennedy and Andrew Keister
Engineered by Walter Tillman, Matt Walsh, and Sean Lucky
Music by Emilio and Gloria Estefan
The Miami Sound Machine jukebox musical was a surprise success when it opened in October 2015. Little did they know the show would run for almost 2 years! I suppose it was easy given the content. Gloria and Emilio Estefan wrote some amazing hits while touring as the Miami Sound Machine.
The audio system did true justice to their sound. Lows were tight and powerful, perfect for motivating 1600 strangers to dance in a Broadway theatre. The band was on stage for many numbers giving the show a concert feeling rather than a canned musical.
Hand-held microphones were the key to my job here. Normally we opt for lav mics under wigs in theater but because this was a full-blown concert we used both. Much of my show was keeping a running tab on which handheld was where. This was essential so that the A1 was bringing up the microphone on stage, not the one in my toolbelt.
I joined the team late 2016 and worked straight up until closing in August.